Jose Agustin Andreu
2 Dimensional Design



Hatching Crosshatching



Value Scales

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Project Instructions & PDF
In the Toolbox chose the Zoom Tool and click on the first square inch on the top left of the Artboard or click on the Scale View at the bottom left of the document window and select 400% then with the Hand Tool position the first square inch on the top left of the Artboard in the middle of the window.

In the Toolbox window select the Brush Tool. Make the Stroke black. Go to the Control Palette and click, hold and select a small round brush, the smallest in the default palette is 3pt. round. In the Control Palette change the size to 1pt. or go to Window > Stroke to open the Stroke Palette window and change the size of the stroke there.

Starting on the upper left of the Artboard, place one dot on the grid by clicking once on the first guideline intersection at v1" x h1". Move horizontally to the right, skipping the next intersection, and place another on the next guideline intersection, and at every 1/8", and so on along the first row. That should give a string of nine dots along the top. Don't worry if they are not perfectly aligned, that will be fixed next. Deselect.

Go to Window > Align to make sure the Align Palette is open. Usually it's coupled with the Pathfinder Palette. Drag Select the string of dots and either go to the Control Palette or to the Align Palette and click on the Vertical Align Center Tool, then on the Horizontal Distribute Center Tool.

Drag Copy the horizontal string of dots down while holding the Shift key to the third guideline intersection at 3/16" down. Repeat Drag Copy by holding the Option and Shift keys until there are nine horizontal strings of dots. To further adjust placement of strings of dots Drag Select a whole vertical string and either go to the Control Palette or to the Align Palette and click on the Horizontal Align Center Tool, then on the Vertical Distribute Center Tool.

Once the stippled square inch looks complete, in the bottom left of the document window, change the View Scale > Fit On Screen for a better perspective. go to File > Save to save the document and continue working.

Drag Select the whole square of dots and Drag Copy to the right leaving a .25" space. Repeat placing copies until you have nine squares leaving a .25" space between them. Remember to keep the Option and Shift keys held before releasing the mouse and as you drag out the next copy. Notice that the last square falls out of the Artboard. Deselect and Drag Select all the squares to move the whole to the left and fit them within the Artboard.

Next we will change the scale and therefore the density of the individual squares. First,
make sure the Units for the Stroke in the Preferences panel is set to Inches. If it is set to Points the numbers will all be different.
Drag Select all the dots in square #1 then go to the Stroke Window or the Control Palette and drag select the numbers in the weight menu and type in .01 and press Return. Deselect.
Drag Select all the dots in square #2 then go to the Stroke Window or the Control Palette and drag select the numbers in the weight menu and type in .015 and press Return. Deselect.
Drag Select all the dots in square #3 then go to the Stroke Window or the Control Palette and drag select the numbers in the weight menu and type in .02 and press Return. Deselect.
Drag Select all the dots in square #4 then go to the Stroke Window or the Control Palette and drag select the numbers in the weight menu and type in .025 and press Return. Deselect.
Drag Select all the dots in square #5 then go to the Stroke Window or the Control Palette and drag select the numbers in the weight menu and type in .03 and press Return. Deselect.
Drag Select all the dots in square #6 then go to the Stroke Window or the Control Palette and drag select the numbers in the weight menu and type in .035 and press Return. Deselect.
Drag Select all the dots in square #7 then go to the Stroke Window or the Control Palette and drag select the numbers in the weight menu and type in .04 and press Return. Deselect.
Drag Select all the dots in square #8 then go to the Stroke Window or the Control Palette and drag select the numbers in the weight menu and type in .045 and press Return. Deselect.
Drag Select all the dots in square #9 then go to the Stroke Window or the Control Palette and drag select the numbers in the weight menu and type in .05 and press Return. Deselect.
You have a nine step Value Scale done with a stippling pattern including a medium grey.

Before continuing Save the document.
To crop the perimeter of the stippled value squares, Drag Select all nine squares and go to Object > Expand Appearance. Deselect all.

Draw a one inch square with Fill none and Stroke black. Drag Copy the cropping square over one of the stippled squares and then Drag Select both the stippled square and the cropping square. Go to the Pathfinder and click on Crop. Repeat the procedure for each of the nine stippled squares.

Before continuing Save the document.
To make the Stippled Swatches, Go to Window > Swatches to open the Swatches Window. At the bottom of the Swatches Window, click on the Show Pattern Swatches icon.

Starting with #1, Drag Select each one at a time and go to Edit > Define Pattern. Give the square a number for a name in the dialogue window and click OK. Watch it appear in the Swatches Window. Deselect. You can test it by selecting it as a fill and drawing a shape. Repeat the process for each of the patterned squares. You'll have a set of nine stippled value swatches each with a number for a name. Before continuing Save the document.

So that you can have easy access to the swatches from other design projects you need to save the stippled swatches. Open the Swatches Palette Options by click-holding the little arrow at the top right of the swatches window and selecting the Save Swatch Library. Give it a name, select your folder and click Save.

Make a 1" x 9" stippled nine value scale to be mounted with the other value scales, First drag a copy of #1 stippled square to v1" x h3". Then drag a copy of #2 and place it touching the right of #1. Continue with each stippled square until you have a 1" x 9" nine value scale. There should be a 1" border at the right. If there isn't drag select the whole and center it horizontally. Frame the value scale by drawing a black stroke, empty fill rectangle around the scale.
Before continuing Save the document. Close the document.
Copy and Paste the Value Scale #3 with Stippling into the four Value Scales document for presentation.

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© 2014 Jose Agustin Andreu